Congregation History

  • Founder

Pierre Marie was born on January 16, 1624 at Lisieux of Normandie, Northwest of France. He read with interest and reflected on The Imitation of Christ. At the age of nine [1633], he was inspired by God to gather those who loved the Holy Cross of Jesus. His wish was that they should be formed into a congregation named “Lovers of the Holy Cross”.

After graduation from high school, Pierra Marie studied law and became a lawyer at the age of twenty three in 1645.

Pierre Marie ordained to the priesthood on December 27, 1655.

On June 11, 1660, Father Lambert was ordained as Bishop of Berythe.

Representative of the Holy See to evangelize the gentiles in the Southern Dioceses of Vietnam Co-founder of the Mission Association of Paris in 1669.

Ordained the first Vietnamese local priests.

Established St. Joseph Seminary in Far-East Asia.

Formed the Association of the Lovers of the Holy Cross.

Established the congregations of the Holy Cross-North 1670 and South 1671. Rested peacefully in the Lord at 4:00A.M. on June 15, 1679, in Juthia, Thailand.


  • Mission Statement

We, the Lovers of the Holy Cross of Thu Duc, are a community of Catholic women Religious, committed to deepening our relationship with Jesus Christ through a life of prayer, sacrifice and service. In the Spirit of our Founder, Bishop Pierre Marie Lambert de le Motte, we proclaim that Jesus Christ Crucified is the one and only object of our minds and hearts. With Jesus Christ as our model, we strive to continue his Life of pilgrimage and sacrifice. As the visible hand of Christ, we serve the poor and the needy, especially women and children, in the areas of faith, morality, education, health, cultural and social work.


  • Charism

The call to consecrated life in the Lovers of the Holy Cross is a precious gift of God. It allows the Sisters to follow the spirituality and charism of its Founder by:

–          directing her mind, heart, and life “Jesus Christ crucified, the (only) One Object

–          living as a disciple in mission to evangelize to all people and to participate in building the local Church.

The charism of the Lovers of the Holy Cross is expressed in the Congregation’s purpose and Mission, it is received and acted upon by each Sister, which will help her live joyfully in the spirit of service of others to glorify God.